
Silver accessories selected by MBTI

What is MBTI? ?

  • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was developed based on the theories of psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.
  • There are 16 different types, each represented by four elements (Extroversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving).

For you INFPs


  1. Idealist: INFPs are highly idealistic and value relationships and activities that are strongly based on their personal values ​​and beliefs.

  2. Introvert: Characterized by an introverted and quiet personality, they prefer to form relatively deep connections with others. You may keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.

  3. Highly sensitive: Highly sensitive in expressive fields such as art and literature, and deeply empathetic to aesthetic values ​​and individual emotions.

  4. Flexibility: Seeks new ideas and experiences, and responds flexibly and flexibly to situations. At the same time, you can be very stubborn about your beliefs.

  5. Tolerance: Accepts the differences of others and has a tolerant and considerate attitude. Respect the feelings and values ​​of others.

  6. Seeking meaning: Seeking deeper insight into the meaning and purpose of life, seeking meaning in one's actions and choices.

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For you ESTPs


  1. Action-oriented: ESTPs are adventurous and enjoy action in real-life situations. Willing to take on new experiences and challenges.

  2. Practical: You are good at dealing with concrete problems and solving things in a practical and realistic way. I like learning by doing with my hands.

  3. Sociability: You are sociable, enjoy socializing, and are open to forming connections with new people.

  4. Calm judgment: Possesses steady and calm judgment, and may be able to calmly handle emergency situations.

  5. Collaborative: Values ​​team cooperation and emphasizes achieving goals through collaboration with others. Demonstrates adaptability in competitive situations.

  6. Risk-taking: You are interested in new ideas and adventures and are willing to take risks.

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For you ESTJs


  1. Organizational skills: ESTJs have excellent organizational skills and are good at doing things systematically and efficiently. We emphasize coordination and leadership within the organization.

  2. Realistic: Have a realistic perspective and approach problems with a concrete and practical approach. Make a plan and focus on achieving your goals.

  3. Responsibility: You have a strong sense of responsibility and work hard to achieve goals by working with others. We value being reliable and keeping our promises.

  4. Sociable: Sociable and good at communication. You value cooperation and collaboration with others, and may demonstrate leadership within a group.

  5. Emphasis on tradition: We value tradition and rules, and believe it is important to maintain order and structure within the organization. They tend to seek reliability and stability.

  6. Decisiveness: Strong-willed, quick and decisive. Uncertainty and ambiguity may require clear answers.




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